АО «Адлеркурорт»
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Pricelist for medical services

Pricelist for medical services In the Medical Center of JSC “Adlerkurort” 2017-2018 year

Registration of medical documentation

Name of service price, rub
Consultative and diagnostic complex for obtaining sanatorium-and-spa treatment 1 200

Consultations of doctors of specialists

Name of service price, rub
Admission obstetrician-gynecologist outpatient treatment-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of obstetrician-gynecologist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of an allergist, immunologist, outpatient treatment and diagnostic Primary 700
Reception of an allergist, immunologist, outpatient treatment and diagnostic Repeated 500
Reception of a doctor in restorative medicine, medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a doctor in restorative medicine, medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of a dermato-venereologist at an outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of the dermatologist-venereologist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of a cardiologist- outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a cardiologist- outpatient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of a neurologist- outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a neurologist- outpatient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of an ozone therapist for outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of an ozone therapist for outpatient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of the doctor-otolaryngologist out-patient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of the doctor-otolaryngologist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of the doctor of the ophthalmologist out-patient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of an ophthalmologist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500 Pediatrician-pediatrician out-patient treatment-diagnostic primary 700
Pediatrician-pediatrician out-patient treatment-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of the doctor-gastroenterologist out-patient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a physician-gastroenterologist- outpatient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of a doctor-occupational pathologist, outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of the doctor-occupational pathologist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of a dentist at an outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a doctor orthopedist-traumatologist out-patient medical diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a doctor orthopedist-traumatologist outpatient medical diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of the doctor-therapist out-patient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of the doctor-therapist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of the doctor-therapist out – patient medical-diagnostic (departure) 1 500
Reception of an endocrinologist, outpatient treatment and diagnostic primary 700
Reception of an endocrinologist, out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of a urologist-physician- outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a urologist- outpatient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Reception of physiotherapist physician out-patient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of physiotherapist physician out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Consultation psychologist out-patient medical-diagnostic primary 1,000

Manual therapy

Name of service price, rub
Session of manual therapy: for adults 3,000
Session of manual therapy: for children under 14 years 1,000
Session of manual therapy: for children from 14 years of age 2,000


Name of service price, rub
Consultation of a psychologist 1,000
Psychological training (individual occupation) 2,000
Psychological training (group of 2 people) 500
Aromatherapy 300
Art therapy 300
Psychodiagnostics 800
Psychotherapy by the method of symbolism: work with images 1,000
Audio – Kinetic Relaxation 500


Name of service price, rub
Inhalation individual medicinal with berodualom; lazolvanom; dioxin; pulmicort; euphyllinum 400
Inhalation is individual: with plant extracts (chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, calendula); with a solution: “Rotokan” (chamomile, calendula, yarrow), fiz. solution; with mineral water 300
KUF (tube) 300


Name of service price, rub
Apifitobalzam (1 portion) / package 50/450 Biomass 60
Kissel (1 portion) 50
Cocktail oxygen (1 portion) 100
Cocktail “Lamifaren” (from seaweed Laminaria Angustata) 1 serving 100
Herbal tea package (20 bags) TeanDe 250
Phyto-tea (1 serving) / package (20 sachets) 50/150 Gift tea “Adlerkurort” 550
Therapeutic cocktail with kelp (packing) 2 500
Balneotherapy (course) 1 400

Ozone therapy

Name of service price, rub
Reception of an ozone therapist for outpatient treatment and diagnostic primary 700
Reception of the doctor ozonoterapevt out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Application ozonized oil (tampon, bandage – 200 ml) – (1 application) 300
Application ozonized solution (200 ml) – (1 application) 300
Automagemozzonotherapy small (1 procedure) 400
Intracutaneous introduction of the ozone-oxygen mixture (in the face area) 450
Intracutaneous introduction of the ozone-oxygen mixture 1 zone 450
Intravascular laser irradiation of blood (VLOK) (1 session) 450
Drip intravenous injection of ozonized saline (1 procedure) 450
Nadvennoe laser irradiation of blood (NLOK) 450
Ozonizing camera (“boot”, “glove”) 400
Ozonated water (drinking) 100
Ozonotherapy in a plastic cap (scalp) 400
Irrigation with ozonized saline solution on the gynecological chair (1 procedure) 400
Ozonization of solutions (1 liter) 1,000

Balneotherapy (1st floor)

Name of service price, rub
Bischofite bath 400
Bath “Anti-stress” 350
Bath with balsam “Taiga” -2 “(essential oils of fir and pine) 400
Pearl bath 300
Iodide Bromine Bath 400
Naftalan bath (with naphtha emulsion) 550
Bath (O-Panto) 700
Pine bath 350
Underwater shower massage (hydromassage) 400
Turpentine bath 400
Liquorice bath 500
Dry-air carbon dioxide bath (SUV) 400
Conifer-pearl bath 350

Healing showers (pool area)

Name of service price, rub
Ascending Shower 250
Needle-shaped shower 250
Shower therapeutic circular 250
Charcot’s Shower 300

Halochamber (basin territory)

Name of service price, rub
Halochamber (salt cave, 40 minutes) 600

Territory of the beach

Name of service price, rub
Aerosolarium (one visit) 200


Name of service price, rub
Mud application local (1 area) small applicator 350
Mud application local (large applicator) 550
Application of naphthalan oil under the lamp “Sollyks” 350
Mud applications for gums 200
Fangoparaffin treatment (peat treatment) 1 zone – small applicator 400
Fangoparaffin treatment (peat treatment) 1 zone – large applicator 550
Naphthalan treatment (course) 1 100
Mud treatment (course) 1 100/1 800 Fangoparaffin treatment (course) 1 050

OOO BC “MATESTA” (holding company)

Hydrogen sulfide procedures

Name of service price, rub
4-chamber hydrogen sulphide bath 570
Total Matsesta (hydrogen sulphide) bath 780
General Matsesta (hydrogen sulphide) bath “lux” 1 560

Local hydrogen sulfide procedures

Name of service price, rub
Ascending shower 480
Gynecological irrigation 570
Inhalation 480
Microclystia 480
Irrigation of the head 480
Gum irrigation 480
Irrigation of the face 480
Irrigation of burn scars 780

Iodine-bromine procedures

Name of service price, rub
Gynecological irrigation with iodine-bromide 570
Inhalation with iodine-bromide water 480
General iodine-bromine procedure 780

Radon procedures

Name of service price, rub
Gynecological irrigation with radon 570
Common radon bath 780

Branch of the raised comfort

Name of service price, rub
4-chamber hydrogen sulphide bath “VIP” 3,420
4-chamber hydrogen sulphide bath “lux” 2 340
General Matsesta (hydrogen sulphide) bath “VIP” 4,680
Total Matsesta (hydrogen sulphide) bath 2 340
Ascending shower “Lux” 1 440
Gynecological irrigation “Lux” 1 710
Inhalation Lux 1 440
Microclism “Lux” 1 440
Irrigation of the head “Lux” 1 440
Gum irrigation “Lux” 1 440
Irrigation of the face “Lux” 1 440
Total iodine-bromine bath 780
The general iodide-bromine bath “Lux” 2 340
The general iodide-bromine bath “VIP” 4,680


Name of service price, rub
Reception of obstetrician-gynecologist, medical-diagnostic primary, out-patient 700
Reception of obstetrician-gynecologist, medical-diagnostic repeated, outpatient 500
Application anesthesia in gynecology 300
Application of medicinal substances, administration of tampons 250
Vaginal tampons of medicinal mud 350
Introduction of a spiral with anesthesia + (removal) 1,000
Intrauterine introduction of contraceptives (IUDs) 700
Opening of cervical cysts (per unit) 1 200
Gynecological irrigation with ozonized water 400
Collection of material for analysis 200
Biopsy material sampling 300
Extraction of IUDs 1 500
Colposcopy 1,000
Family planning consultation, contraception selection 950
Consultation about (infertility, menstrual irregularities, dyshormonalnye diseases of mammary glands) 950
Therapeutic bath (vaginal sanitation) 250
Treatment of erosion of the cervix (chemical coagulation) without st. drug 1 500
Treatment of cervical erosion in radio wave therapy 3,000
Irrigating with gynecological iodine-bromine water 300
Gynecological irrigation, medicinal 450
Postoperative treatment of the cervix, vagina, suture 300
Moxibustion with Solcoderm (1 session) (gynecology) 1 200
Rectal tampons of medicinal mud 350
Removal of foreign bodies from the vagina 300
Removal of genital warts (single) by radio wave therapy (1 unit) 600
Removal of cervical canal polyp 1 200
Express test (for pregnancy) 300
Gynecological massage 600
Setting tambuil – suppositories 250
Opening of Bartholin’s abscess 1 500
UZ-irrigation with gynecological 400


Name of service price, rub
Biopedansmetry on the apparatus “MEDAS” (determination of the state of the body and the corridor caloric content) 1 500
Recto-manoscopy (examination of the rectum) 2,000
Medicinal microclysters herbal (broths of herbs) 500
Monitor cleansing of the intestine 1 900
Tubage (purification of the liver and gallbladder) 350

Cardiology (polyclinic)

Name of service price, rub
Reception of a cardiologist-outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a cardiologist-outpatient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
A sample of medicament with ECG (addition to the main ECG) 200
Orthostatic test with ECG (addition to the main ECG) 150
Functional test with ECG with physical activity (addition to the main ECG) 300
Decoding, description and interpretation of electrocardiographic data 200
Rheovasography of the upper or lower extremities (2 segments) without functional tests 350
Rheoencephalography (REG) 400
Spirography 350
Spirography with medication 450
Spirography with functional tests with physical activity 750
Daily monitoring (Holter method) 1 600
ECG without medical examination 300
ECG, registration in 1 – 3 lead for the assessment of rhythm (complement to the main ECG) with medical analysis 400
ECG, registration in 12 leads with medical analysis 400
ECG, registration in the directions in the sky with medical analysis 400
Electroencephalography 800


Name of service price, rub
Reception of a neurologist-outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a neurologist-outpatient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Blockade paravertebral 800
Intravascular electrostimulation of nerve tissue 1 500
Shockwave therapy (1 zone) 1 500


Name of service price, rub
Corporal acupuncture (1 session) 800
Auriculotherapy (weight loss) 800
Reflexology of bad habits – from smoking 2 500


Name of service price, rub
Reception of the doctor-girudoterapevt out-patient (2 leeches) 700
Standard setting: 3-4 leeches 1 400
Standard setting: 5-6 leeches 1 700
Standard setting: 7-10 leeches 2 500
Head: 2-4 leeches 1 700
Crotch and mucous: 1-2 leeches 1 700
Crotch and mucous: 4-6 leeches 1 900
Crotch and mucous: 7-10 leeches 2 600
Intravaginal: 2-4 leeches 2 200

Classic Hand Massage

Name of service price, rub
Massage of the upper limb 1,5 units 450
Massage of the upper limb, foreleg and shoulder area 2 units 600
Massage of the collar zone 1,5 units 450
Ankle massage 1 unit 300
Head massage 1 unit 300
Massage of the thoracic spine 1.5 450
Massage of the chest and lumbar region 2,5 units 750
Massage of the hand and forearm 1 unit 300
Massage of the knee joint 1 unit 300
Elbow joint massage 1 unit 300
Massage of wrist joint 1 unit 300
Massage of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall 1 unit 300
Massage of the lower limb 1,5 units 450
Massage of lower limb and lower back 2 units 600
Chest massage 2.5 units 750
Shoulder joint massage 1 unit 300
Massage of the lumbosacral spine 1.5 450
Back massage 3 units 1,000
Back massage in children (up to 5 years) 1.5 units 450
Foot and calf massage 1 unit 300
Hip joint massage 1 unit 300
Neck massage 1 unit 300
Massage of the cervicothoracic spine 2 units 600
Total massage 6 units 2 100
General massage in children (up to 5 years) 3 units 900
Shoulder joint massage 1 unit 300
Massage of the lumbosacral spine 1.5 450

Mechanotherapy and exercise therapy

Name of service price, rub
Subscription for a month (gym) 1 500
Group visit (from 5 people) (gym) 100
Exercise therapy (group exercise) 350
LFK (individual lesson) (development of a complex of exercises with individual characteristics) 500
One-time visit 200
Scandinavian walking (group session) 350
Scandinavian walking 500
Bodyflex – breathing exercises (group exercise) 350
Bodyflex – breathing exercises (individual exercise) 500

Hardware massage and integral therapy

Name of service price, rub
The device “Detencor” 300
Hardware massage “Sana plus” (for children) 200
Hardware foot and hand massage with pseudo-boiling layer 350
Extension on the apparatus “Ormed Kineso” 800
Integral therapy “Baracyclone” 200
Integral therapy on the apparatus “Anotron” 450
Integral therapy on the apparatus “Vibromassage chair – suspension” 400
Integral therapy on the device “Microimpulse metabolism activator” (MKR) 800
Integral therapy on the apparatus “Free traction table” 450
Therapeutic and health-improving complex of Professor Fomin M.I. (5 devices) 1 800
Massage on thermal bed “Migun” 350
Kinetotherapy with the Swing Machine 250
Back massage on massage chair (10min) 250
Electrostimulation of nervous and muscular tissue on the apparatus “Denas-vertebra-02” 400

The ultrasound examination room (US)

Ultrasound (organs of the abdominal cavity)

Name of service price, rub
Definition of the function of the gallbladder (in addition to the main research) 250
Ultrasound of the organs of the hepatobiliary system (liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, pancreas) 1 100
Ultrasonography of the liver and gallbladder 600
Ultrasound of the vessels of the abdominal cavity 700
Ultrasound of the pancreas 450

Ultrasound (superficially located organs)

Name of service price, rub
Ultrasound of the mammary glands 800
Ultrasound of superficial local areas of soft tissues 600
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland 600

Ultrasound (pelvic organs and genitourinary system)

Name of service price, rub
Transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound of the pelvic organs (complex) 1 500
Ultrasound of internal female genitalia (superficially) 1,000
Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages with a vaginal sensor 1 200
Ultrasound of the bladder 500
Kidney ultrasound 600
Ultrasonography of the kidneys, adrenal glands, prostate, urinary bladder 1 100
Ultrasound of the prostate 700
Ultrasound of the prostate, bladder, residual urine volume 850
Ultrasound transrectal prostate 1 600

Ultrasound (study of pregnant women)

Name of service price, rub
Ultrasonic dopplerography of uteroplacental blood flow 2,000
Ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy 1 500
Ultrasound of the uterus and fetus in the second or third trimester of pregnancy 2,000

Ultrasound (peripheral vessels and organs of the mediastinum)

Name of service price, rub
Duplex investigation of arteries of lower extremities 1 600
Duplex study of brachycephalic arteries and veins (head) 1 600
Duplex investigation of veins of the upper limbs 1 600
Duplex investigation of veins of lower extremities 1 600
Ultrasound of kidney vessels in color format 1 600
Echocardiography with Doppler analysis (ultrasound of the heart) 1 800

Ultrasound (peripheral vessels and organs of the mediastinum)

Name of service price, rub
Ultrasound of the knee joint (2 joints of the same name) 1,000
Ultrasonography of the small joints of the hand (2 joints of the same name) 1,000
Ultrasound of the shoulder joint (2 joints of the same name) 1,000
Ultrasound of the hip joint (2 joints of the same name) 1,000

Surgical procedures

Name of service price, rub
Application anesthesia 200
Application anesthesia 400
Intra-articular injection without drug cost 600
Dissection of hematoma 400
Ligation of external hemorrhoids (one node) 450
Application of an aseptic dressing 200
Shantz collar application 400
Gauze bandage application Dezo 400
Applying a fixative bandage 400
Operation-removal of a foreign body of soft tissues without dissection 500
Operation-removal of fibroids, lipomas 1,000
Primary surgical treatment of local burns and tissues 1-2 st. 400
Primary surgical treatment of extensive burns and tissues 3-4 st. 800
Dressing of small purulent wounds 400
Postoperative clean dressing 400
Removal of postoperative sutures, ligatures 200
Removal of one inflammatory element on the skin by electrocoagulation – 1 element 400
Electrocoagulation of benign formations (per 1 unit) 500

Day hospital

Name of service price, rub
Reception of the doctor-therapist, medical-diagnostic primary 700
Departure of the doctor (for emergency medical care) 1 500
1 bed / day of stay in hospital 2 630
Observation in a day hospital (without the cost of manipulation) 1 day 1,000
Intravenous infusion (drip) 500
Intravenous infusion (jet) 150
Blood sampling from the vein 200
Collection of material for urogenital infection (PCR) 100
Collection of material for flora 100
Blood pressure measurement 50
Injection intramuscular, subcutaneous 100
The application of a medicinal dressing in the treatment room 200
Imposition of a small aseptic bandage (medical sister) 150
Treatment of the wound with a drug substance (rn manganese, iodine, diamond greens) without bandage 150


Name of service price, rub
Reception of the doctor-urologist medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a urologist-medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Buzhirovanie urethra 350
Taking smears from the urethra 250
Correction of paraphimosis 1 500
Instillation in the urethra and bladder of medications 500
Catheterization of the urinary bladder in women, medical and diagnostic 500
Catheterization of the urinary bladder in men, medical and diagnostic 600
Lasertherapy cavitary (1 procedure) vaginal 800
Magnetotherapy vaginally (1 procedure) 600
Magnetotherapy rectally (1 procedure) 600
Magnetotherapy of the urethra, cervical canal (1 procedure) 700
Massage of the prostate gland, manual 500
Prostate secretion 500
Tambuil suppositories 1 pack (10 pcs) 500
Ultrasonic therapy, cavitary (1 procedure) 800
Electrostimulation of the ureters (1 procedure) on the apparatus “Amplipulse” 550
Electrostimulation of the prostate (1 procedure) on the apparatus “Amplipulse” 600
Electrostimulation of the urethra, cervical canal (1 procedure) on the apparatus “Amplipulse” 600
Mud treatment rectally 350

Electrotherapy and light therapy

Name of service price, rub
Electro mud treatment (2 joints) 550
Transcranial electroanalgesia (1 session) Transair apparatus 400
Laser therapy 400
Laser eye stimulation (1 session) 350
Darsonvalization (1 session) 400
Infrared immunocorrection (puncture) on the apparatus AIKP-01 400
Phonophoresis (1-2 fields) 400
UHF therapy (1-2 fields) 350
EHF-therapy (1-2 fields) 600
Ultrasound therapy (1-2 fields) 400
Electrophoresis (1-2 fields) 400
SMT with the use of medicinal products (1-2 fields) 400
Electrostimulation of nervous and muscle tissue (1-2 fields) 400


Name of service price, rub
Magnetotherapy on the apparatus “Alimp” 400
Magnetotherapy on apparatus “Viofor” 400
General magnetotherapy on the apparatus “Multimag” 600
Magnetotherapy on the apparatus “Almag” 400
UFO-therapy (1 zone) 150
UFO-therapy total 300

Otolaryngologist (polyclinic)

Name of service price, rub
Reception of the doctor-otolaryngologist out-patient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of the doctor-otolaryngologist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Application anesthesia 300
Application of medicinal substances 400
Blockade of the sides of the pharynxes 400
Blockade of the posterior pharyngeal wall 400
BTE blockade meatotypalnaya 400
Blockade intranasal 400
Blockade of the inferior nasal concha 400
Administration of drugs transtubarnoe 500
Introduction turundas in the auditory meatus (1 side) 220
Infusion of medicinal substances into the larynx 300
Collection of material from mucous ENT organs for research 150
Posterior tamponade of the nose (including after bleeding) 450
Study binaural hearing tuning fork (functional tests Rinne, Federici) 200
Catheterization of the auditory tube 550
Massage of eardrums 450
The operation – purulent (carbuncle, abscess, hematoma, etc.) of ENT organs 1 200
Determination of the permeability of the Eustachian tube 250
Sucking off mucus from the nose on Proid, Zandermanu 450
Paracentesis of the tympanic membrane 600
Anterior tamponade of the nose (including after bleeding) 400
Cauterization (chemical, cryo-) of hypertrophied sections of the posterior pharyngeal wall 1,000
Cauterization of the bleeding vessels of the nasal cavity (chemical, electrocoagulation) 1,000
Blowing the ears of Polititzer 350
Washing of the attic with medicinal substances 350
Washing of the maxillary sinus of the nose through an anastomosis with a medicinal substance 300
Flushing of the maxillary sinuses of the nose by the displacement method (“Cuckoo”) 600
Washing of tonsils with medicinal substances 500
Nasopharyngeal flushing with medicinal substances 400
Puncture of the maxillary sinus with the introduction of drugs 750
Lubrication of mucous membranes (1 procedure) 400
Tonal threshold audiometry (Interacoustics AD 629) 1,000
Toilet of the ear with external or average catarrhal otitis 250
Removal of a foreign body from the larynx 500
Removing a foreign body from the nose 500
Removal of foreign body from the oropharynx 500
Removal of a foreign body from the ear 500
Removal of papillomas of the throat 600
Removing sulfuric plugs 400
Ultrasonic therapy on apparatus “Tonzilor M” – Treatment of tonsillitis / pharyngitis 700/500 Endoscopic diagnosis of paranasal sinuses after surgical treatment 500
Endoscopic diagnosis of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx 700
Echosynusography of the paranasal sinuses 800

Ophthalmology (polyclinic)

Name of service price, rub
Reception of an ophthalmologist, medical and diagnostic primary, outpatient 700
Reception of an ophthalmologist, medical-diagnostic repeated, outpatient 500
Auto refractometry with a narrow pupil 400
Biomicroscopy of the eye 300
Burying eye drops 50
Injecting the ointment into the lower eyelid 50
Injection under the skin of the temple 200
Injection subconjunctival 200
Massage of lids 120
Determination of visual acuity without correction 50
Determination of visual acuity with correction 150
Determination of refraction by means of a set of test lenses 150
Examination of the outer eye and appendages 50
Ophthalmoscopy 300
Pair of bulbar injections 200
Selection of glasses 300
Inflammation of the conjunctive cavity 200
Irrigation of lacrimal passages 300
Refractometry 450
Sciascopy of cycloplegia 400
Scraping of the conjunctiva 100
Tonometry of the eye 150
Removal of the foreign body of the cornea 1,000
Epilation of eyelashes 150


Name of service price, rub
Reception of a dermato-venereologist at an outpatient medical-diagnostic primary 700
Reception of the dermatologist-venereologist out-patient medical-diagnostic repeated 500
Autostimulation (plasma treatment): 1 test tube 1 500
Correction of age-related changes in the face (1 syringe) 13 500
Treatment of skin with hyaluronic acid 3 500
Treatment of wrinkles (dysport) – for 1 unit 150
Lipolytic cocktail for skin 2 500
Anesthesia (application) 600
Anesthesia (injection) 2,000
Non-contact hydromassage on the couch “AKVASPA” 400
Darsonvalization (1 session) 400
Therapeutic peeling 500
Mesotherapy 1 500
Medical wraps 1 350
Moisturizing wraps 500
Anti-inflammatory mask 500
Face massage classic (15 min) 500
Facial massage plasticizing (30 min) 1 500
Body massage anti-cellulite 1 zone (thighs, buttocks or stomach and buttocks) 1,000
Massage of the hands 600
Cleansing the skin 300
Ozone-oxygen mixture cutting-1 zone 400
Rehabilitation Spa Capsule Alpha (1 session) 350
Thermotherapy: infrared cabin (1 session) 450
Removal of gums (mechanical 30min.) 1 200
Removal of gum aids (ultrasound 15 min.) 500
Cyclic massage on the apparatus “Nalar” (1 zone) 550
Cyclic massage of the lower limbs on the apparatus “Lymph-E” (pneumomasser) (for 1 session) 350
Treatment of subcutaneous fat with the help of biopreparation (Aquashine, Meso – Warton. Ial System) 6500
Threads APTOS NANO NV4 12,000
Threads APTOS NANO NS4 12,000
Threads APTOS NANO NV7 15,000
Threads APTOS NANO NS7 15,000
Threads APTOS NANO EE 15,000
Threads APTOS NANO EB 25 000
Threads APTOS NANO EVS 35,000
APTOS NANO EV threads 35,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AT4 12,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AT6 15,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AT2G 35,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AS 20,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AN2 12,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AN3 12,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AN4 12,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AN2G 35,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AW2 8,000
Threads APTOS LIGHT LIFT AW3 8,000
Removal of nevi (birthmarks), fibroma on the face, scalp to 1 cm (per piece) 1 500
Removal of nevi (moles), fibroma on the face, scalp more than 1 cm (per piece) 2,000
Removal of nevi (moles), fibroids on the body and intimate zones up to 1 cm 1,000
Removal of nevi (moles), fibroids on the body and intimate areas more than 1 cm 1 500
Removal of papillomas on the face and on the body over 10 pcs. (Session) 3 500
Removal of papillomas on the face and on the body up to 2 mm (1 pc) 600
Removal of papillomas on the face and on the body is more than 2 mm (for 1 pc) 800
Removal of simple, flat warts: single (1 piece) to 0.5 800
Removal of plantar, warts: up to 0.5 (1pc) 1 500
Removal of plantar, warts: over 1 (1 pc) 2,000
Removal of the kandil (external genitalia): multiple (session) 4,000
Removal of the kandil (external genitalia): single (per 1 unit) 1 500
Removal of milium, molluscum contagiosum: single (1 pc) 500
Removal of milium, molluscum contagiosum: multiple (10 to 20 pcs) 3 500
Removal of milium, molluscum contagiosum: multiple (from 20 pcs) 5,000
Removal of mazes 1 procedure 1 500
Removal of telangiectasias (vascular asterisks): One unit. zone 350
Nose 2 500
Cheeks 3 500
Legs 5,000


Name of service price, rub
Reception of a doctor orthopedist-traumatologist outpatient medical diagnostic primary 700
Reception of a doctor orthopedist – traumatologist outpatient medical diagnostic repeated 500
Introduction of plasma into the joint (1) 2 500
Introduction of hyaluronic acid in the joint (1) 10,000
Introduction of the spherical spine into the joint (1) 16,000
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