АО «Адлеркурорт»
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Dermatological program

Sanatorium “Adlerkurort” offers effective treatment of chronic dermatoses.Unique factors of the natural environment and mild subtropical climate of Sochi, a balanced diet and a specially selected course of procedures contribute to the speedy treatment of chronic dermatological diseases.

Indications for treatment: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatosis, occupational skin diseases, dermatomyositis, lichen planus, seborrhea, post-burn scars and other chronic dermatoses.

What is the basis of treatment?

First, the effective treatment of skin problems, which are chronic, is promoted by diet therapy and procedures, which are selected individually for each person, taking into account the features of the course of his disease.

Secondly,as is known the sea – the best cosmetician.Sea water has antibacterial properties, and after a rest at sea the skin is guaranteed to improve.

Thirdly, the treatment program includes: hydrogen sulphide baths Matsesta, climatotherapy, dietotherapy, plasmolifting, ozone therapy, mud treatment and other procedures.A complete list can be seen in the table at the bottom of the page.

We will tell in more detail about the key medical procedures that are offered during the spa treatment of psoriasis in Sochi, at the sanatorium “Adlerkurort”:

Phegano Diet

This diet was developed by the American scientist John Pegano, and for many years of use has proved its effectiveness.
Its main principle: dietary nutrition in psoriasis should be balanced in a special way, so that the body maintains a certain level of acid-base balance.For the treatment of psoriasis, an alkaline environment is needed, so the daily diet includes approximately 75% of alkaline products (fruits, vegetables and juices) and 25% – acid-forming (fish, white meat, skimmed milk, eggs, etc.).
Many products of this diet are prohibited.In addition, a balanced diet should be supplemented by physical activity and a positive emotional background.For effective control of psoriasis patients must adhere to the basic principles of the diet of Pegano all their life.


This is an innovative procedure for treatment and rejuvenation, built on autohemostimulation of tissues.Platelet-enriched plasma of the patient is injected into the skin, where it affects the deep layers, as platelets are carriers of special proteins that can stimulate the recovery processes.The procedure is effective in the treatment of many dermatoses and allows the long-term remission.
In addition, using plasmolifting, it is possible to stop allopecia (hair loss). Autoplasma is injected into the head skin , after which the circulation grows more intense, the metabolism returns to normal, the skin begins to resist diseases better.

Water of Matsesta

In the process of sanatorium treatment of skin diseases, including psoriasis in the Black Sea, exposure to hydrogen sulfide is actively used.The legendary hydrogen sulphide source – Matsesta, whose water is among the rarest mineral waters, is located between Sochi and Adler.And it is not accidental: it contains 20 chemical components!It is a real natural pharmacy with a unique set of qualities.

People living in those places have long believed that this miraculous water is a panacea for all diseases.It might be, an exaggeration, to say “a panacea for all diseases”, the unique water of Matsesta can truly alleviate the condition of patients with so many diseases.Doctors select such combinations of methods to obtain the greatest effect in each individual case.
How does hydrogen sulfide work?It enters the patient’s body through the skin and breathing, and it begins to affect cells and tissues.Vessels widen, skin turns red, blood circulates faster.Hydrogen sulphide literally soaks the skin, after which the blood flows to the internal organs. В целом, за время приема одной ванны происходят радикальные изменения в том, как кровь распределяется по организму.In general, during the reception of one bath, radical changes occur in the way blood is distributed throughout the body.It awakens tissues and brings oxygen into them.At the same time, the body is completely relaxed and resting.It’s not surprising that only 4 hydrogen sulphide baths give a noticeable positive result.
The sanatorium offers its guests a transfer “Adlerkurort” – “Matsesta” and “Matsesta” – “Adlerkurort”.

We suggest that you get familiar with the treatment program:

The list and the number of procedures included in the cost of a sanatorium voucher for tourists with skin diseases.

Title of procedures Quantity Note
7 days 14 days 18 days
Therapeutic reception 2 3 4
Consultation of a dermatologist 2 3 4
II Treatment .
(aerosolarium near the sea) 7 14 18
Dietotherapy adapted for Pegano 7 14 18
Medical baths
Matsesta hydrogen sulphide baths
or rhodonic, naphthalanic, iodide-bromine baths

in one day
According to the testimony
Mud therapy or paraffinozokeritotherapy 3 6 8 1 зона
Naftalan applications
under infrared radiation “Armed “
3 6 8 1 zone
Electrosvetotherapy 3 6 8 2 kinds
Autoimmunostimulation (plasmolifting) 2 3
Ozone therapy (intravenous, gas, subcutaneous
focalization of foci, rectal)
3 6 8 1 kind
Thermotherapy using
SPA capsule (detox) or infrared sauna
1 2 3 According to the testimony
UV skin on the apparatus “Dermalaight” 3 6 8
Transcranial electrostimulation 3 6 8 in one day
Aromatherapy 3 6 8
Phytotherapy (detox) or oxygen cocktail 3 6 8 According to the testimony

Our sanatorium provides free transfer “Adlerkurort” – “Matsesta” and “Matsesta” – “Adlerkurort”.

You can find detailed information about the offer, request a consultation from our specialist on our PSORIAZ.PRO portal. Order a return call and we will contact You at a convenient time, answer Your questions and help You book the package at the best price.

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