АО «Адлеркурорт»
Официальный сайт

Rules of accommodation in “Adlerkurort” JSC

Rules of accommodation in “Adlerkurort” JSC

These Rules regulate the conditions for the reservation, stay and provision of resort and hotel services in JSC Adlerkurort.


1.1.The term “Sanatorium” should be understood as a legal entity, Joint-stock company “Adlerkurort” providing spa and hotel services at the address: Sochi, Adler district, Lenina Str. 219, Buildings: “Coral”, “Dolphin”, “Neptune”, “Smena”.

1.2.The term “Guest sanatorium” (hereinafter referred to Guest) should be understood as an individual who uses the sanatorium and resort services of “Adlerkurort” JSC.

1.3. The term “rendered service” should be understood as the action taken by the employees of “Adlerkurort” JSC to fulfill their obligations in accordance with the agreement on rendering sanatorium-resort or hotel services.

1.4. The single settlement hour in the sanatorium is 12.00 hours of the current day according to local time.

The time of arrival to the sanatorium is from 12.00 to 14.00.

The time of departure from the sanatorium is 12.00 hours.

The operating mode of the sanatorium of “Adlerkurort” JSC is round-the-clock, year-round.


2.1. Accommodation in the Sanatorium is carried out on the basis of the Guest’s presentation of identity documents:

  • Birth certificate – for a person under 14 years of age;
  • passport that certifies the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation – for a person who permanently resides outside the Russian Federation;
  • passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by a federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen;
  • a document issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person;
  • permits for temporary residence of a stateless person;
  • a residence permit for a stateless person.

2.2. When placing in sanatoriums on resort permits the Guest, in addition to the document proving the identity, should have on hands:

– sanatorium-resort card;

– a document confirming the right to receive a voucher (exchange voucher or voucher);

– The policy of compulsory medical insurance (MHI) or supplementary medical insurance (LCA);

– for children under the age of 18 – a certificate of the epidemiological environment, as well as a certificate of vaccination (vaccination card).

In case the Guest arrived without a spa card, it can be issued at the Medical Registry, for an additional fee.

2.3. The administrator of the reception service makes out the Guest card with the Guest’s Name, date of arrival / departure, the case, room number, and also gives the Guest the key for access to the room. VIP-cards are given to guests staying in the rooms: suite, studio, apartments.

2.4. The sanatorium card and guest card are a pass to the buildings and facilities of the Sanatorium.

2.5. When settling in the Sanatorium, the Guest agrees to the processing of personal data for the purposes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.6. The fee for accommodation and services in the Sanatorium is provided at free (contractual) prices, according to the price list approved by the Sanatorium management.

2.7. Payment is made at the conclusion of a contract for the provision of spa or hotel services, in rubles: cash, by wire transfer through a booking agreement or using credit cards.

2.8. The payment for accommodation is charged in accordance with a single settlement hour – 12 hours local time. The difference between the time of departure of the consumer from the room and the arrival of the consumer in the room can not be more than 2 hours. For stays of less than 24 hours, the fee is charged per day, regardless of the time of arrival and departure.

2.9. For the accommodation of children aged 0 to 7 years, without providing a separate place and food, payment is not charged.

2.10. The form, conditions and procedure for booking rooms in the Sanatorium – Guest or other person in the interests of the Guest sends a request to the Sanatorium for booking by phone / fax: +7 (862) 227-01-67; 8-800-707-36-26, or by e-mail: sales@adlerkurortsochi.ru, as well as via the website of the sanatorium adlerkurortsochi.ru and other online sales channels. The booking form must include: guests; date and time of arrival and departure of the guest (a group of guests); type of room; method of payment (cash / bank transfer); contact telephone number of the guest.

2.11. The sanatorium confirms the Guest reservation or refuses the application during the working day from the moment of receipt of the booking application.In case of confirmation of the reservation request, the resort sends a confirmation message to the Guest.In case of refusal, the sanatorium sends a message to the Guest about the refusal of the booking confirmation.These messages are sent to the Guest by fax or by e-mail.

2.12.With guaranteed reservation, payment for sanatorium services should be made in one of the following ways:

– prepayment in the amount of at least 10% of the cost of sanatorium-resort services is performed not later than 14 days prior to arrival or not later than 3 days after the booking, if there are less than 14 days left before arrival, and the final payment is made upon arrival at the Sanatorium later than the first day of the period of rendering the corresponding sanatorium-and-spa services.

– the full cost of the spa services is paid on time not later than 14 days before arrival or not later than 3 days after the booking, if there are less than 14 days left before arrival.

2.13. The application is guaranteed to be booked, if full or partial prepayment for the ticket was received 14 days prior to arrival or after 3 days after the booking, if there are less than 14 days left before arrival.

2.14. In case of late refusal of booking (less than 1 day before arrival), late or not arriving at the Sanatorium for an unreasonable reason, the Sanatorium is entitled to charge (retain) the fee for the actual simple number (place in the room), but not more than a day.

If you are late for more than a day, the guaranteed reservation is canceled.

2.15.In case of arrival to the Sanatorium without preliminary reservation of the room, the buyer of the voucher must be informed of the availability of vacant places in the sanatorium and pay 100 (one hundred)% of the cost of the voucher on the day of arrival, at the reception.

2.16. Guest accommodation in the reserved room up to the estimated time of check-in is allowed upon early check-in. When you arrive from 12 a.m. to the scheduled check-in time, you will be charged for half of the day. When arriving from 08 a.m. to the established check-in hour, hourly payment is made. Upon departure after the check-out time, from 12. p.m. to 18 p. m. hourly payment is made, according to the established tariff, from 18 p. m. to 12 a.m. – for half a day.

2.17. With the consent of the Sanatorium administration, it is allowed to stay in the room from 08 a.m. to 11 p.m.; for this, the visitor must provide the reception and accommodation administrator with an identity document. In the event of a visitor’s stay in the Guest’s room after 11 p.m., this person must be registered in the guest room. For such a settlement, a fee is charged according to the approved price list of accommodation services.

2.18. The sanatorium provides the following types of free services to the guests:

  • call the “first aid”, other special services;
  • use of the first-aid kit;
  • calling a taxi;
  • delivery to the number of correspondence addressed to the Guest, upon receipt;
  • use of an individual safe (only for Coral case);
  • Wake-up to a specific time;
  • provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery;
  • Wi-Fi (in the corpus Coral – the whole building, the building “Dolphin” – 1 floor, the building “Neptune” – 1 floor, the building “Smena” – no);
  • use of a comfortable beach;
  • use of an outdoor swimming pool with sea water;
  • use of luggage room;
  • use of the gym, billiards;
  • use of sports grounds (volleyball, football, basketball, table tennis, badminton, tennis);
  • wooden deck chairs. Plastic sunbeds for VIP guest cards;
  • children’s center, children’s rooms;
  • film screening in the cinema hall “Coral” and children’s center “Dolphin”.

2.19.Full information about the services of the Sanatorium is on the information stand of the reception and accommodation service.

2.20.The sanatorium renders additional services to the Guest for a fee, at his request, in accordance with the list and price list for additional services posted on the information desk of the reception and accommodation service.

2.21.Treatment procedures are issued strictly according to the time specified in the program of stay, in accordance with medical prescriptions.

2.22.The catering services included in the program of stay are provided from lunch on the day of arrival to breakfast on the day of departure. Unused rations are not compensated by the guests and are not carried over to other dates.

2.23.Benefits for living in the Sanatorium are not provided.

2.24. Rooms are cleaned daily. Replacement of towels is carried out: in the buildings “Coral” – daily; in the building “Dolphin”, “Neptune” and “Smena” – once in three days. Bed linen is changed once in three days. At the request of the Guest, in case of unintentional contamination, an unplanned replacement of the laundry can be made.

2.25. Accommodation in the Sanatorium with animals is prohibited.


3.1.To provide services to visitors and guests of the Sanatorium in time and in full.

3.2. Ensure the confidentiality of information about guests and visitors of the Sanatorium.

3.3. Respond in time to the requirements of the guests of the Sanatorium to eliminate inconveniences, breakdowns in equipment and technology in rooms, on the infrastructure facilities of the sanatorium, and other shortcomings in the services provided.

3.4.In the event of an accident or failure of any equipment in the room and the impossibility of eliminating this problem, the Guest is offered an alternative number (but not lower than the category paid for them). If the latter is impossible, the Sanatorium have the right to refuse to fulfill the obligation for compensatory provision of services and fully reimburse the Guest for actually incurred expenses.


4.1.To observe the check-in and check-out hours provided for in clause 1.4 of the Rules.

4.2.During the stay in the Sanatorium to observe moral and ethical standards, to refrain in places of mass recreation of Guests and visitors of the Sanatorium from excessive use of alcohol and obscene language. Do not appear in public places Sanatorium in the nude, in a bathing suit or with an open torso. Respect the right of others to rest, do not insult the actions and words of the staff of the Sanatorium.

4.3.Use the equipment and inventory numbers according to their functional purpose.

4.4. Observe the fire safety rules at all facilities of the Sanatorium and in the territory of 50 meters from the building, namely, it is forbidden:

– light cigarette lighters, matches, smoke (except for places specially equipped for smoking); throw garbage, cigarette butts, matches, including throwing them in trash cans, through windows;

– bring, store, set, fire: pyrotechnic products (firecrackers, rockets, Bengal lights, crackers, etc.); explosives and explosive devices; household candles, dry alcohol; flammable and combustible liquids and materials (gasoline, kerosene, solvents, paints, waste paper, etc.);

– clutter up with any objects: approaches to fire extinguishing means, electric boards, manual fire detectors, fire stairs; stair flights, corridors, halls; basic and emergency evacuation routes; use the primary fire extinguishing equipment available in the hotel for the wrong purpose;

– damage primary fire extinguishing means, fire signs, automatic fire alarm, fire detectors, manual fire detectors;

– steal fire-fighting equipment (fire extinguishers, fire hoses, fire equipment, fire detectors, etc.);

– carry out any work with the use of open fire.

4.5.In the period from 10 p.m. to 08 a.m. to observe the silence and not create inconvenience to other Guests and visitors of the Sanatorium.

4.6. To protect the property of the Sanatorium, including those transferred for temporary use. In the event of loss or damage to property, reimburse the damage according to the approved price list, as well as bear responsibility for other violations.

4.7. On any delay in departure, not later than three hours before the check-in time, inform the reception and reception service in a timely manner. In the case of 80-100% of the number of rooms, the Sanatorium has the right to refuse the possibility of late departure or extension of the stay. In this case the guest is obliged to leave the room by the time of the calculated hour.

4.8. During the whole period of residence, it is prohibited to leave unauthorized persons in your room in your absence, and also give the keys and the Guest card to unauthorized persons.

4.9.On any early departure before the final date of booking, the Guest is obliged to inform the reception and reception service in time, but not later than 24 hours and to write an application for early departure.

4.10.On the day of departure, the guest must inform the reception and reception service of the readiness to release the number, but not later than the estimated hour. After reception of the room by the staff of the room service, the Guest must hand over the room keys. In case of loss or damage to property, due to the Guest’s fault, reimburse the damage value according to the price list.

4.11. When leaving the building for more than 24 hours, the Guest must notify the receptionist of the Sanatorium about his absence. If you want to recalculate, write an application for recalculation and release the number from personal items, upon your return, you will be transferred to an equivalent number.

4.12. In case of loss of the key from the number, pay the amount of the lock and key, according to the price list, for recovery.

4.13. In due time and in full, pay for all additional services provided by the sanatorium.

4.14.Smoking in any premises of the Sanatorium is strictly prohibited, according to the current legislation. In case of violation of this regime, the Sanatorium administration has the right to call police officers, also draw up an act on damage to the sanatorium’s property and issue an invoice for payment of dry cleaning services for fabrics, surfaces and forced simple numbers, according to the approved price list.

4.15. Meals are served in the dining room at the set time. It is prohibited to take out any food from the dining hall. Entrance to the dining room in a bathing suit and wet clothes is not allowed.

4.16 Observe the access mode and security mode in the territory and at the facilities of the Sanatorium.

4.17. Guests who come to the sanatorium with children bear full responsibility for their health and safety (in accordance with the law of the Krasnodar Territory of 21.06.2008 № 1538-KZ “On measures to prevent child neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Krasnodar Territory”). Staying under the age of 18 without parental supervision is strictly prohibited. Medical procedures are only released in the presence of parents or persons responsible for the child.


5.1.The sanatorium is not responsible for the health of the Guest or the visitor of the Sanatorium in case of using them drinks and products purchased outside the Sanatorium.

5.2. The sanatorium is not responsible for the operation of city services (emergency shutdown of electrical and thermal energy, water supply).

5.3. The sanatorium is not responsible for the safety of documents, money, other currency valuables and other valuables that are not stored in an individual safe. In case of discovery of forgotten things, the administration takes measures to return them to their owners. If the owner is not found, the forgotten things are kept by reception administrators. In case of discovery of forgotten things, the administration takes measures to return them to their owners. If the owner is not found, the term of storage of the forgotten things is 60 calendar days from the date of departure of the Guest.

5.4. The Sanatorium Administration reserves the right to visit the room without the consent of the Guest in the event of: fire detectors, smoke, fire, flooding, as well as in case of violation by the Guest of these rules of residence, public order, rules for the use of household appliances.

5.5. In case of violation of the rules of public safety, public order, public morals, fire safety rules, and also in case of gross violation of the rules of residence in the sanatorium by the Guest or the visitor of the Sanatorium, the Contractor has the right to terminate the contract for rendering services immediately, draw up an act on this violation with the invitation, if necessary, of law enforcement officials.

5.6.In the event of termination of the contract for the provision of services, a refund of money for paid, but unrealized services, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.7. In the absence of a guest at the place of residence for more than a day (or after 12 hours from the moment of the calculated hour of the number), the Sanatorium administration has the right to create a commission and make an inventory of the property and release this number by transferring things to the storage room. Material values in the form of cash, precious metals, valuable documents, the administration takes under its responsibility.


6.1.In the event of complaints from the guest, the Sanatorium administration takes all possible measures to resolve the conflict, as stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Sanatorium Administration has the right to terminate the agreement on provision of services unilaterally or refuse to extend the period of residence in case of violation by the Guest of these Rules of residence, public order, untimely payment of services of the Sanatorium, causing the guest material damage to the property of the Sanatorium.

6.3. The sanatorium administration reserves the right to refuse to conclude a contract for the provision of spa or hotel services without explanation of the reasons, in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4.In cases not provided by these rules, the Guest and the Sanatorium Administration are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

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