It is quite possible to conduct a full diagnosis of the whole organism, to identify risks and predisposition to various diseases, to receive effective individual treatment on the basis of medical center “Adlerkurort”.
Laboratory diagnostics:
- Clinical studies
- Investigation of the homeostasis system
- Immunological research
- Biochemical studies
- Immunofermental studies
Functional diagnostics:
- Electrocardiogram
- Spirography
- Cardiointervalography
- Electroencephalography
- Rheovasography of extremities, rheocardiography
- Holter monitoring of blood pressure
- Holter monitoring of ECG
- Pulse Oximetry
- Peakflowmetry
- Bioppedance measurement
- Sinusography
- Ultrasound of brachiocephalic vessels and vessels of lower extremities
- Dermatoscopy
- Recto-Humanoscopy
- Colposcopy
- Abdominal organs,
- Of cardio-vascular system,
- Organs of the pelvis and urogenital system,
- Thyroid gland,
- Mammary glands,
- Ultrasound of the pregnant and fetus.
Additional research:
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)