АО «Адлеркурорт»
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Highly qualified experts in different directions are ready to receive patients. Different laboratory and diagnostic tests are carried out, services in the field of cosmetology are rendered in the medical center “Adlerkurort”.The latest medical equipment and fine diagnostic basis allow specialists of the medical center to use an integrated approach in the solution of problems of patients.Besides, the attending physician offers each patient recommendations about maintaining health..


Question to the doctor

You can ask the doctor a question right now, in a special feedback form.

Profile of the sanatorium “Adlerkurort”

If you want to improve your health, we will be happy to help you in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases.

Treatment package

Our sanatorium offers a choice of vouchers with or without treatment so that each guest can find the best option for rest and recovery.

Complete body diagnostics

On the basis of the medical center “Adlerkurort” it is possible to conduct a full diagnosis, to identify risks and predispositions to various diseases, to receive effective individual treatment.


The possibilities of modern cosmetology allow to solve almost any problem associated with defects and withering of the skin, restoring its health and beauty!

The pump room

Therapy with the use of mineral water is effective, especially in diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment in Matsestaе

Hydrogen sulfide water “Matsesta” returns the ease of movement, the purity of the skin, restores the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, gives joy to motherhood and has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Our doctors

Doctors of our sanatorium are highly qualified, experienced and attentive specialists.


Обязательно к ознакомлению! Общие противопоказания, исключающие направление больных на курорты и в местные санатории.

Telephone of the medical registry of “Coral” building : 8 (862) 246-36-48, health resort clinic 8 (862) 246-36-86

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